I had the chance to try out setting some polymer down in the bezels and I am thrilled with the results. I am a trained metalsmith (without a working studio at the moment) and I suffer from a bit of frustration as I 'think' in metal but that doesn't always translate into polymer. You can make similar things but the working methods are quite different. I am purchasing metal pieces (that I know how to make...argh!) and adding in polymer. I enjoy each little baby step though.
I feel tempted to keep these two rings but the point is...to fill the Etsy shop. So these will be posted soon.
This is now an "idea" that I will begin to use for bracelets, necklaces, brooches, earrings...
Ah...bask in the glow of new ideas ...but just for a moment because today I won't make it into the studio at all. (waaaah!) Instead I will teach math and phonics and do laundry and run errands.