Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to school

The kids and I are on day three of a complete cleaning and re- organizing of the classroom in preparation to start school on September 2. Time management is not my strength. I thought for sure two solid days of work would complete the task. But alas...we continue. Perhaps by the end of the day today we'll be done.

The UPS man has been a frequent visitor with boxes of supplies arriving daily. I mourn the fact that full days in my studio are coming to an end for the year but the kid's excitement for the learning that lies ahead is infectious!

In celebration I am offering a BACK TO SCHOOL special in the Etsy shop. August 28-September 2 all $12 post earrings are 1/2 off with any other purchase. (applies to any $12 posts already in my shop)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A confession...

...I am an avid doodler. As a child such behavior was called play. As a teenager amoebas and flowers adorned my notebooks and I was called a daydreamer. As a young adult it may have been said that I was wasting time.
Now, at 41, I preempt any negative labeling by telling people I am a trained artist and I am creating charming, hand-colored, one of a kind, handmade stickers with custom backgrounds and high quality, top of the line, colored pencils ;-)

But in my heart...I'm still playing ;-)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

To bead, or not to bead?

That was the question.

Then I noticed (and where had I been?) the interest there seems to be in artisan made beads. So I'm experimenting with beads. Stamped beads. Swirled beads, rolled beads and spacer beads. I like where I'm headed.

I don't have a handy-dandy bead roller yet so everything is totally rolled/shaped by hand. I am quite picky about the holes being cleanly pierced through and have purchased some long, sharp needles that do the job quite well.

I will probably have some for sale in the shop soon and at New Freedom Fest next month.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm preparing for New Freedom Fest coming up on September 19. (gosh - thats just a month away!) I am so thankful to have this great little crafts market/celebration of small town America right in my own home town! Its a full day of art, crafts, food, kids games and music. The day ends with an outdoor movie on the town green beginning around 8:30 pm.

Last year I ran the kids craft tent and wow - do kids like to make beaded bracelets! This year I'll participate as a vendor. (I'll have lots of new jewelry, beads, buttons and maybe some other surprises for sale.)

We're located an hour south of Harrisburg, PA and an hour north of Baltimore, MD. Right off of Rt. 83. Easy to find! Check the link to get the event schedule and a map if you're interested in attending.

All photos in this post courtesy of New Freedom Heritage.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home (ah but Maine sweet Maine!)

A long day of driving brought us home yesterday after two amazing weeks in Maine.

We sailed, we swam, we watched bald eagles fish. We visited the Farnsworth in Rockland, paying tribute to Andrew Wyeth. We played UNO and laughed hysterically and ate really fresh seafood.

But for the most part, we dedicated ourselves to taking it slow and keeping it simple, our only "splurge" was...time. I have found that for me, a constant stream of information and everything available 24 hours/day does not produce happiness, better children or creativity. In a way, its as though MORE (of everything and anything) stifles what is good and LESS allows it to surface. Ok...I think I'm onto something here.

My etsy shop will stay closed until August 12.

All photos in the post courtesy of my daughter Ema.