Friday, December 14, 2012

Small is good too

I learned last year that a lot of folks purchase my tiny earrings as stocking stuffers so I've tried to stuff the shop with them this year. Some are even one of a kind - specialness in a tiny package.

Someone asked me not long ago why I don't stop making the tiny earrings and focus on larger pieces. Good question - I don't mind being questioned. Its me think about what I am doing. But my answer was simple - I have short hair and like to wear tiny earrings.

Sprout in aqua
So...tiny earrings will continue but many designs that I've had for a while will be gone after the New Year. Out with the old and in with the new.


  1. I began to do tiny earrings i summer, just because someone asked me for them. And many people like them, and what's more, they buy them. Tiny earrings last a very short time in my selling box. So go ahead!! And what's more, if you feel like doing them, that's the most important thing!! And they are lovely!!

  2. I love your tiny earrings Genevieve. But geez babe, I reckon you'd look stunning in some big danglies!! And I have so enjoyed your playing with shapes. I am just back and settling in. Savouring my friend's blog! Hugs, Wendy
